N2 Supply Solutions for GAIM

PLASTINUM Gas-Assisted Injection Molding with N2

Taking process efficiency and quality to the next level by using nitrogen (N2) to mold plastic parts - with highly efficient, dedicated high-pressure N2 supply solutions from Linde
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Importance of Gas Purity for GAIM

Gas-assisted injection molding - also known as gas injection molding (GIM) - with N2 is a proven, well-established process to produce hollow parts or parts with hollow sections. It enables you to manufacture lighter plastic components with higher dimensional accuracies. High-pressure nitrogen shapes a hollow or channel in a molded plastic part. The nitrogen forces the melted mass out from the core of the component and presses it against the mold surface. After solidification, the gas is released from the cavity.

Gas purity is important in GAIM with N2. High-purity gas stops the plastic from oxidizing under high temperatures and gas pressures. Our cost-effective supply solutions for high-pressure nitrogen with low oxygen and no oil content enable you to produce parts at lower cost and with less scrap and downtime.

End-to-End Offering

We are committed to supporting our customers with total gas supply solutions including cylinders, tanks, supply lines, vaporizers, pressure boosting equipment and control units. Our PLASTINUM® Gas-Assisted Injection Molding with N2 offering comprises highly efficient, dedicated solutions to supply high-pressure nitrogen to GAIM applications. It includes a pressure boosting unit, if required. Our PRESUS® N family of cost-effective, high-pressure gas supply solutions pressurizes liquid nitrogen, clearly outperforming the economic efficiency of gas compressors.

  • Complete high-pressure supply system
  • Cost savings compared with gas compressors
  • Elimination of contamination and oxidation
  • Elimination of water handling issues associated with water injection molding

Still have questions?

Our expert team would be happy to advise you on all your gas-related needs